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Pengertian Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu dalam tata bahasa Inggris yang menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa sekarang. Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu dengan fokus pada pengaruh atau hasilnya yang masih berlanjut atau relevan hingga saat ini.

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Rumus Present Perfect Tense:

1. Kalimat Positif:

   Subjek + have/has + past participle (verb 3)

2. Kalimat Negatif:

   Subjek + have/has + not + past participle (verb 3)

3. Kalimat Interrogatif:

   Have/Has + subjek + past participle (verb 3) + ?

Contoh Kalimat:

1. Kalimat Positif:

    •  I have studied English for three years.
    •  She has finished her homework.

2. Kalimat Negatif:

    •  He has not visited the museum yet.
    •  They haven't eaten lunch.

3. Kalimat Interrogatif:

    •  Have you traveled to Europe before?
    •  Has he seen that movie?

Catatan Penting:

  • Pada Present Perfect Tense, penggunaan "have" digunakan untuk subjek I, you, we, dan they, sedangkan "has" digunakan untuk subjek he, she, dan it. 
  • Past participle (verb 3) dari sebuah kata kerja biasanya dihasilkan dengan menambahkan akhiran "-ed" (untuk kebanyakan kata kerja) atau mengikuti pola tertentu (misalnya: go -> gone, eat -> eaten).

Contoh Teks Menggunakan Present Perfect Tense:

Judith's Adventure

Judith, a curious traveler, has explored many countries around the world. She has visited ancient temples in Asia, hiked through lush rainforests in South America, and has even swum with dolphins in Australia. Her journey began a few years ago when she decided to embark on a mission to experience diverse cultures and broaden her horizons. Along the way, she has met incredible people and has tasted exotic dishes that have left a lasting impression on her.

Recently, Judith has returned to her hometown with a heart full of memories and a backpack filled with souvenirs. She has shared her captivating stories with friends and family, inspiring them to consider their own adventures. Although her incredible journey has come to a temporary pause, Judith's spirit of exploration and discovery continues to thrive. She has undoubtedly gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep appreciation for the beauty the world has to offer.

Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dalam Teks:

  • "Judith has explored many countries around the world." (Tindakan di masa lalu dengan relevansi hingga sekarang)
  • "She has visited ancient temples in Asia." (Tindakan yang terjadi di masa lalu dengan hasil yang masih berdampak)
  • "Judith has returned to her hometown with a heart full of memories." (Tindakan di masa lalu yang berdampak pada saat sekarang)
  • "She has shared her captivating stories with friends and family." (Tindakan yang telah selesai dan berpengaruh pada saat sekarang)
  • "Her incredible journey has come to a temporary pause." (Tindakan yang berlangsung dalam periode waktu yang belum berakhir)

Soal Latihan:

1. What has Judith done in her travels?
   a) She has met incredible people.
   b) She will explore ancient temples.
   c) She plans to swim with dolphins.
   d) She is hiking through rainforests.

2. Why did Judith embark on her journey?
   a) To visit her friends and family.
   b) To swim with dolphins.
   c) To experience different cultures.
   d) To hike through rainforests.

3. Judith's journey has inspired her friends and __________.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
   a) Judith's hometown is boring.
   b) Judith has never traveled before.
   c) Judith's travels have left a lasting impact.
   d) Judith's journey has come to an end.

5. Judith has explored many __________ around the world.

6. Which of the following has Judith NOT done?
   a) Visited ancient temples.
   b) Swum with dolphins.
   c) Hiked through deserts.
   d) Shared her stories.

7. How has Judith's journey impacted her?
   a) She has forgotten all her experiences.
   b) She has become less curious.
   c) She has gained knowledge and appreciation.
   d) She has stopped traveling.

8. Judith has returned to her __________.

9. Which word best describes Judith's attitude toward exploration?
   a) Boring
   b) Scary
   c) Exciting
   d) Dangerous

10. Judith has met __________ people and tasted exotic dishes.

Kunci Jawaban:
  1. a) She has met incredible people.
  2. c) To experience different cultures.
  3. family
  4. c) Judith's travels have left a lasting impact.
  5. countries
  6. c) Hiked through deserts.
  7. c) She has gained knowledge and appreciation.
  8. hometown
  9. c) Exciting
  10. incredible

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